
Recommendations for music

↓Here are for those who are interested😍
The profile is below.


自己紹介 Self introduction
名前 Name 余 昌志 Masashi Yo
年齢 Age 22
出身地 Hometown 東京都 Tokyo(JPN)
大学 University 大阪大学基礎工学部システム科学科知能システム学コース 原田研所属
Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering Science, System Department, Intelligent System Course, Halada Lab
高校 High school 北京市第二中学
Beijing No.2 Middle School(CHN)
趣味 Hobby サッカー(する・見る◎)、ミュージカル、飲みニケーション、旅行、音楽
Football(also watching), Musical, Social drinking with friends, Travelling, Music etc.
言語 Language 日本語、中国語、英語
Japanese, Chinese, English


Before moving to Osaka university, I lived in China for 6 years. During the years in China, I did many things which include singing Chinese folk songs in the chorus club and reading Chinese literature.


Extracurricular activities

Earth watch expedition

Coming soon...